VGA 2022 Conference: “Beyond Names and Dates: Filling in the Stories of Our Female Ancestors” by Pam Vestal

This presentation will be on Sunday, November 13th at 6:15pm Eastern. Click here to view the full conference schedule:

Program Description:
For most of recorded time, women didn’t leave much of a paper trail, but they still had remarkable stories to tell. Although it may appear that they haven’t left many documents behind, deeper research into underutilized records will often lead to a better understanding of the women in our family trees. In this talk, we’ll explore a variety of records, and also look at local history, the law, politics, and the cataclysmic events that confronted them to help us bring their hidden stories to light.

Speaker Bio:
Pam Vestal is a professional genealogist and speaker who turned her focus to her longtime love of genealogy after a 20-year writing career. Her articles have appeared in the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly, FGS’s Forum magazine, and the National Genealogical Society Magazine, and her lectures take her from coast to coast. Pam specializes in conducting genealogical research and then transforming that information into illustrated stories that even non-genealogists can enjoy.

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