Welcome to the Virtual Genealogical Association!

The Virtual Genealogical Association launched on April 27, 2018. While we knew there was a need, we hadn’t anticipated just how much of a need and we are thrilled to see the level of interest. Over 400 members by day 6!

The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels, geared towards those:
●   whose circumstances make it difficult to attend local genealogical society meetings
●   who prefer online presentations, special interest groups (SIGs), conferences, and socializing
●   with an interest in connecting, networking, and mentoring with global genealogists

The Virtual Genealogical Association began with the recognition that many family history enthusiasts are merging technology and globalization in their genealogical pursuits. We aim to provide a forum for genealogists to connect, network, and mentor with genealogists around the world through monthly meetings online, webinars, social networking, annual conferences, and in-person meet-ups at conferences, institutes and events around the world.

The Virtual Genealogical Association encourages all members to continue joining the genealogical societies in their local area and/or in the area where their ancestors lived. These societies can provide additional benefits that include:

  • Access to their local database of records and indexes
  • Mentorship from society members with expertise in local records and repositories
  •  Field trips to area repositories

The Virtual Genealogical Association – any time, any place.

We would love to have you join us https://virtualgenealogy.org/

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