Come join the celebration on Saturday, April 13th, 2024 starting at 9:00am Eastern! Open to the Public!
Zoom Registration Link:
Live presentations will include:
- Thomas MacEntee: Creating an Ancestor Sketch
- Deb Holman: Need an Image? Use AI!
- kYmberly Keeton: The Southern Migration of the Keeton and Chafer Family
- Mary K. Clark, Ph.D.: Stories from the Heart: Sharing Family History in 10 Minutes or Less
- Lianne Kruger: FamilySearch Catalog Search for Records
- Denise Cross, CG: What is a One Place Study? How Can it Help Break Brick Walls?
- Bonnie Emmert: The Family History Guide-A Tool for the Toolbox
- Bryna O’Sullivan: An Establishment Church? What’s That?
- Shannon Milliman: The Value, Virtue and Vim of Transcribing Personal Diaries and Journals
- Jeanette Sheliga: My Current Obsession: WPA Inventories
There will also be Genealogy Trivia Games, Door Prizes, and lots of FUN! The program is expected to end around 12:00pm Eastern. Scroll down to find the schedule or click HERE.
Pre-Recorded presentations will include and be found on our YouTube Channel:
- Dai Davies: Finding Meaningful Stories in Your Family History
- David Ryan: Striking Gold: Exploring the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland
- Heather Haunert: Savoring Memories: The Storied Behind Family Recipes
- Kelli Bergheimer: A Quick Look at Ohio Regional Archives
- Kim Richardson: How Do I Know I Found Everything?
- Donald R. Snow: Free AI Websites for Text Applications
- M Diane Rogers: Canadian Family History – Quick Start or ReDo!
- Sunny Jane Morton: A Wild Ride: Ohio River Travel in Stories and Songs
- Bryna O’Sullivan: Linking to the Patriot: The Final Pension Payment Voucher