VGA Hangouts: Create Your Own Locality Guide

VGA Hangouts is an opportunity to “hangout” with other VGA members while working on your own family tree!

When: Saturday, January 6th, 2024 at 11:00am Eastern
Topic: Create Your Own Locality Guide

VGA Members can find the Zoom Registration Link in the Upcoming Webinars area of the Members Center.

Optional preparation before the Hangout:

  • Watch the recording of our VGA December program “Where in the World? How to Tackle a New Research Location” by Cheri Hudson Passey.
  • Read chapter three in “Research Like a Pro: A Genealogist’s Guide” by Diana Elder, AG with Nicole Dyer.
  • ProGen Study Groups alumni can access hundreds of example submissions within the resources area of their website.
  • Read “Creating and Using Locality Guides as Genealogical Tools” by Jan Joyce, DBA, CG, CGL, AG in the NGS Magazine July-September 2022, Volume 48, Number 3.
  • Google “Genealogy Locality Guide” and find multiple blogs about the subject!


  1. Was wondering if occasionally, we could have a hangout which is 7pm EST so that Australians can hang out too…as it would be 11am here….not 3am 😉

    • Yes, our next Hangout will be at 8pm Eastern. We will definitely move the times around to try to include different time zones. Thank you!

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