Year: 2022 How Confident are You in Your Proof Statement by David Grawrock, CG

Webinar: How Confident are You in Your Proof Statement Speaker: David Grawrock, CGWhen: Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Elizabeth Shown Mills in Evidence Explained section 1.6 talks about providing qualifiers to indicate how confident the author is in their proof statements and arguments. Many genealogists do not understand the need…
Thank You VGA Birthday Party Speakers!

A sincere thank you goes out to the genealogy speakers that volunteered their time and expertise to make the VGA Birthday Party possible! They are all amazing people and wonderful speakers! Please visit their websites and consider them as speakers for genealogical societies that you are involved with: Melissa Barker:…
VGA Celebrates Four Years!

VGA turns 4 years old at the end of April and is planning a Birthday Party in which all are invited to attend! Genealogy games, presentations, door prizes, and FUN are all on the agenda! When: Saturday, April 30th, 2022Zoom Registration Link: Please share the link with your genealogy…
VGA Speaker: Lynn Broderick

Enjoy this quick interview with genealogy speaker, Lynn Broderick: To learn more about Lynn’s upcoming VGA program, click here: Find Lynn at: Website: APG: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:
VGA Speaker: Janice Nickerson

Enjoy this video of a quick interview with Janice Nickerson: To learn more about Janice’s upcoming VGA program, click here: Find Janice at: Website: APG: Crime and Punishment in Upper Canada: A Research’s Guide by Janice Nickerson:
It’s All About Ethics! Using DNA with Integrity by Lynn Broderick

Webinar: It’s All About Ethics! Using DNA with IntegritySpeaker: Lynn BroderickWhen: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Ethical actions help maintain access to using DNA results as a genealogical source. This session provides a brief history of the development of genetic genealogy’s ethical standards, questions to ask in light of personal…
Program Recording Update: A Handout has been Added to “Introducing the 1921 Census of England & Wales” by Mary McKee
A is for Almanacs by Janice Nickerson

Webinar: A is for AlmanacsSpeaker: Janice NickersonWhen: Saturday, April 9th, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Almanacs were among the very few books our ancestors typically owned. These information-packed volumes were immensely helpful to our ancestors, and can be worth their weight in gold for genealogists today. This lecture will show you how to…
Call for Volunteer Speakers for VGA’s 4th Birthday Party on April 30th, 2022!

The following Google Form: is a Call for Volunteer Proposals for the Virtual Genealogical Association’s (VGA) 4th Birthday Party on Saturday, April 30th, 2022. The tentative time frame is 10:00am – 1:00pm Eastern. That may change due to the proposals received. The deadline for Submission is Saturday, April 9th,…
How Confident are You in Your Proof Statement by David Grawrock, CG

Webinar: How Confident are You in Your Proof Statement Speaker: David Grawrock, CGWhen: Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Elizabeth Shown Mills in Evidence Explained section 1.6 talks about providing qualifiers to indicate how confident the author is in their proof statements and arguments. Many genealogists do not understand the need…
Thank You VGA Birthday Party Speakers!

A sincere thank you goes out to the genealogy speakers that volunteered their time and expertise to make the VGA Birthday Party possible! They are all amazing people and wonderful speakers! Please visit their websites and consider them as speakers for genealogical societies that you are involved with: Melissa Barker:…
VGA Celebrates Four Years!

VGA turns 4 years old at the end of April and is planning a Birthday Party in which all are invited to attend! Genealogy games, presentations, door prizes, and FUN are all on the agenda! When: Saturday, April 30th, 2022Zoom Registration Link: Please share the link with your genealogy…
VGA Speaker: Lynn Broderick

Enjoy this quick interview with genealogy speaker, Lynn Broderick: To learn more about Lynn’s upcoming VGA program, click here: Find Lynn at: Website: APG: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:
VGA Speaker: Janice Nickerson

Enjoy this video of a quick interview with Janice Nickerson: To learn more about Janice’s upcoming VGA program, click here: Find Janice at: Website: APG: Crime and Punishment in Upper Canada: A Research’s Guide by Janice Nickerson:
It’s All About Ethics! Using DNA with Integrity by Lynn Broderick

Webinar: It’s All About Ethics! Using DNA with IntegritySpeaker: Lynn BroderickWhen: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Ethical actions help maintain access to using DNA results as a genealogical source. This session provides a brief history of the development of genetic genealogy’s ethical standards, questions to ask in light of personal…
Program Recording Update: A Handout has been Added to “Introducing the 1921 Census of England & Wales” by Mary McKee
A is for Almanacs by Janice Nickerson

Webinar: A is for AlmanacsSpeaker: Janice NickersonWhen: Saturday, April 9th, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Almanacs were among the very few books our ancestors typically owned. These information-packed volumes were immensely helpful to our ancestors, and can be worth their weight in gold for genealogists today. This lecture will show you how to…
Call for Volunteer Speakers for VGA’s 4th Birthday Party on April 30th, 2022!

The following Google Form: is a Call for Volunteer Proposals for the Virtual Genealogical Association’s (VGA) 4th Birthday Party on Saturday, April 30th, 2022. The tentative time frame is 10:00am – 1:00pm Eastern. That may change due to the proposals received. The deadline for Submission is Saturday, April 9th,…