VGA Speaker: Adina Newman

Enjoy this quick interview with genealogy speaker, Adina Newman: To learn more about Adina’s VGA program, click here: Find Adina at: Website: APG: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:

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VGA Speaker: David Grawrock, CG

Enjoy this quick interview with genealogy speaker, David Grawrock: To learn more about David’s VGA program, click here: Find David at: Website: BCG:

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Patents: Your Ancestor the Inventor by Christine Cohen

Webinar: Patents: Your Ancestor the InventorSpeaker: Christine CohenWhen: Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Did your ancestor have a great idea and apply for a patent? I will show how the information contained in applying for and acquiring patents, can add interesting details to your ancestors’ lives and assist you with…

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VGA’s New Logo!

VGA will soon be transitioning to a new logo! While working with the graphic designer, we talked about the membership. At first, one of the drafted designs had circles that were connected by lines. It reminded me of the VGA members from all over the world. I asked the graphic…

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A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy by Adina Newman

Webinar: A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy Speaker: Adina NewmanWhen: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Hear a millennial genealogist’s perspective on how to recruit the younger generations into genealogy and what skills millennials can bring to the table. Speaker Bio:Adina Newman, EdD, is the owner of My Family Genie, where she…

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