Week 1 Results: VGA Book Club Cemetery Symbol Contest

Here are the top 3 cemetery symbols that have been submitted so far in our VGA July 2022 Contest:

  1. Hand Pointing Up – usually indicates that the soul has risen to the heavens
  2. Tree Stone – often a motif for members of the Woodmen of the World
  3. Book – an open book can mean thoughts and feelings are open to the world and to God

This contest and our upcoming VGA Book Club meeting is open to the public! Join us and learn a little more about VGA!

Contest Entry Form HERE!

VGA Book Club’s next meeting on Tuesday, July 26th at 8:00pm Eastern Zoom registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErdOCrqD8vGdDYuO0albpmNdeDD4f1P2i7

Contest & VGA Book Club Information:

  • VGA July 2022 Contest
    • Contest Entry Form HERE!
    • Share findings of various cemetery symbols
      • Can be found online and shared via URL
      • Image can be uploaded
    • Enter multiple times – each entry enters your name again into the contest
      • One submit each symbol once (such as a lamb)
      • Additional entries should be other symbols
      • Please don’t Google to find symbols – visit websites and look for memorials and/or go to cemeteries in-person to find symbols
    • Contest winners will be selected at the VGA Book Club meeting on Tuesday, July 26th
      • You do not have to be present to win – but we hope to see you there
      • Multiple prizes will be given out
    • Have fun!

Any questions, please e mail them to info@virtualgenealogy.org. Have fun and happy symbol searching!

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