VGA “Ask Me” with LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, CG, CGL, FASG

VGA “Ask Me” is an opportunity for VGA members to ask questions of well-known genealogists. The questions can focus on the genealogist’s specialty, their opinion on methodologies, their genealogy background story, and more!

On Friday, March 18th, 2022, LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson will be our “Ask Me” guest of honor. VGA members can ask her questions in our VGA Members-Only Facebook Group.

VGA Members can join the Members-Only Facebook Group through a link in the Upcoming Webinars area of the Members Center if they are not already part of the group.

To learn more about LaBrenda:

LaBrenda’s Website:

Association of Professional Genealogists:

Family Tree Webinars:

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