The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
VGA’s 6th Birthday: “Need an Image? Use AI!” by Deb Holman
VGA’s 6th Birthday: “Stories from the Heart: Sharing Family History in 10 Minutes or Less” by Mary K. Clark, Ph.D.
VGA’s 6th Birthday: “FamilySearch Catalog Search for Records” by Lianne Kruger
“Mixers and Shakers – Tracing Your Bootlegging, Shimmy-Shaking, and Repeal-Seeking Ancestors During and After Prohibition” by Debra Dudek

Webinar: Mixers and Shakers – Tracing Your Bootlegging, Shimmy-Shaking, and Repeal-Seeking Ancestors During and After ProhibitionSpeaker: Debra DudekWhen: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Temperance advocates celebrated victory when America went dry in 1920. For a short time, the great experiment appeared to curb the ills associated with imbibing alcohol. However,…
VGA’s 6th Birthday: “An Establishment Church? What’s That?” by Bryna O’Sullivan

Thank you so much to Bryna O’Sullivan for sharing this presentation to help VGA celebrate its 6th birthday! To visit Bryna’s website: https://charteroakgenealogy.com/ For Bryna’s profile on APG: https://www.apgen.org/users/bryna-osullivan To follow Charter Oak Genealogy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CharterOakGenealogy