Recorded Webinar Expiring on 13 February 2023

The following webinar recording will be expiring soon. To watch the recording, VGA members need to login and go to the Past Webinars area of the Members Center. If you are not a current VGA member, you can join an Annual Membership for $20USD and have immediate access to the…

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VGA Book Club – March 2023

The VGA Book Club will be reading “Locating Your Roots: Discover Your Ancestors Using Land Records” by Patricia Law Hatcher and discussing it on Tuesday, March 21st at 7:00pm Eastern. VGA members are encouraged to join whether or not they read the book. VGA Members can register for this webinar…

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VGA Hangouts – Brick Wall Busting!

VGA Hangouts is an opportunity to meet up with other VGA members and work together on our genealogy. This Special Interest Group (SIG) is going to next meet on Sunday, February 26th, 2023 at 6pm Eastern where we are going to work on Brick Wall Busting! Attendees are encouraged to…

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Our Black Sheep and Their Prison Records by Eleanor O. Brinsko

Webinar: Our Black Sheep and Their Prison RecordsSpeaker: Eleanor O. Brinsko When: Monday, February 20, 2023 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Family trees often have ancestors that are not “acceptable” topics of conversation. But why is that the case? A common reason is they were in trouble with the law. In this presentation, we…

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