The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
“Ten Awesome Things You Can Do on WikiTree” by Connie Davis

Webinar: Ten Awesome Things You Can Do on WikiTreeSpeaker: Connie DavisWhen: Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:WikiTree is one of genealogy’s most underrated websites. WikiTree provides numerous opportunities to contribute, learn, and participate. In this webinar, we will explore ten features of WikiTree including how to incorporate DNA, share your…
VGA Book Club – November 2023
VGA Conference “Scandalous Ancestors: Tracking Colorful Family Members” by Jessica Trotter

Webinar: Scandalous Ancestors: Tracking Colorful Family MembersSpeaker: Jessica TrotterWhen: November 5th, 2023 at 6:00pm Eastern Program Description:This session provides ideas for tracing “scandalous” ancestors including international examples and a case study featuring an unreliable ancestor with a research story that began in 1860s Detroit and ends in Logan County, Illinois. The idea of…
VGA Conference “Leveraging Freedom of Information Laws to Procure Novel Records” by Alec Ferretti

Webinar: Leveraging Freedom of Information Laws to Procure Novel RecordsSpeaker: Alec FerrettiWhen: November 5th, 2023 at 5:00pm Eastern Program Description:This lecture will explain Freedom of Information Laws, and what genealogists can do with them. A variety of jurisdictions and case studies will be discussed. Speaker Bio:Alec Ferretti is a New-York-City-based professional genealogist, who…
VGA Conference “Cross-Referencing Letters & Postcards with Documents & Photos” by Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD

Webinar: Cross-Referencing Letters & Postcards with Documents & PhotosSpeaker: Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhDWhen: November 5th, 2023 at 3:30pm Eastern Program Description:Many family historians, especially those considered “the person in the family to get it all,” find that family correspondence can be used to fill in the gaps in documents, photos, and other resources.…