VGA Hangouts: Fun with Photos!

VGA Hangouts is an opportunity to “hangout” with other VGA members while working on your own family tree!

When: Sunday, January 28th, 2024 at 7:00pm Eastern
Topic: Fun with Photos!

VGA Members can find the Zoom Registration Link in the Upcoming Webinars area of the Members Center.

Optional preparation before the Hangout:

  • Read the VGA Book Club book for January: Family Photo Detective (updated edition) by Maureen Taylor and attend the Book Club meeting on January 28th, 2024 at 6:00pm (same Zoom registration as the VGA Hangout).
  • Prepare photos that you plan on scanning during the Hangout.
  • Have photos ready that you would like to share with the group (either just to say “look at this cool family photo” and/or to ask questions of the group about the photo).
  • Prepare digitized photos to upload to your family tree that you plan on tagging, adding descriptive background, etc.
  • Read up on Save Metadata at:

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