Year: 2022 VGA Speaker: Adina Newman

Enjoy this quick interview with genealogy speaker, Adina Newman: To learn more about Adina’s VGA program, click here: Find Adina at: Website: APG: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
VGA Speaker: David Grawrock, CG

Enjoy this quick interview with genealogy speaker, David Grawrock: To learn more about David’s VGA program, click here: Find David at: Website: BCG:
VGA Bday Presentation: “Using’s My Tree Tags” by Jeanette Sheliga
From Bookshelf to Coffee Table – Creating a Captivating Family History by Fiona Brooker

Webinar: From Bookshelf to Coffee Table – Creating a Captivating Family HistorySpeaker: Fiona BrookerWhen: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Take your research and create a captivating family history to share with your family. Find out how digital scrapbooking can provide you with the tools to go from words and dates…
Patents: Your Ancestor the Inventor by Christine Cohen

Webinar: Patents: Your Ancestor the InventorSpeaker: Christine CohenWhen: Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Did your ancestor have a great idea and apply for a patent? I will show how the information contained in applying for and acquiring patents, can add interesting details to your ancestors’ lives and assist you with…
VGA Bday Presentation: “Share Where the Bodies are Buried” by Marian Burk Wood
VGA’s New Logo!
A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy by Adina Newman

Webinar: A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy Speaker: Adina NewmanWhen: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Hear a millennial genealogist’s perspective on how to recruit the younger generations into genealogy and what skills millennials can bring to the table. Speaker Bio:Adina Newman, EdD, is the owner of My Family Genie, where she…
VGA Bday Presentation: “Genealogy Serendipity (Or Was Mom Guiding Me?)” by Deborah Holman
VGA Speaker: Adina Newman

Enjoy this quick interview with genealogy speaker, Adina Newman: To learn more about Adina’s VGA program, click here: Find Adina at: Website: APG: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
VGA Speaker: David Grawrock, CG

Enjoy this quick interview with genealogy speaker, David Grawrock: To learn more about David’s VGA program, click here: Find David at: Website: BCG:
VGA Bday Presentation: “Using’s My Tree Tags” by Jeanette Sheliga
From Bookshelf to Coffee Table – Creating a Captivating Family History by Fiona Brooker

Webinar: From Bookshelf to Coffee Table – Creating a Captivating Family HistorySpeaker: Fiona BrookerWhen: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Take your research and create a captivating family history to share with your family. Find out how digital scrapbooking can provide you with the tools to go from words and dates…
Patents: Your Ancestor the Inventor by Christine Cohen

Webinar: Patents: Your Ancestor the InventorSpeaker: Christine CohenWhen: Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Did your ancestor have a great idea and apply for a patent? I will show how the information contained in applying for and acquiring patents, can add interesting details to your ancestors’ lives and assist you with…
VGA Bday Presentation: “Share Where the Bodies are Buried” by Marian Burk Wood
VGA’s New Logo!
A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy by Adina Newman

Webinar: A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy Speaker: Adina NewmanWhen: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Hear a millennial genealogist’s perspective on how to recruit the younger generations into genealogy and what skills millennials can bring to the table. Speaker Bio:Adina Newman, EdD, is the owner of My Family Genie, where she…