Month: May 2022 VGA’s New Logo!
A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy by Adina Newman

Webinar: A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy Speaker: Adina NewmanWhen: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Hear a millennial genealogist’s perspective on how to recruit the younger generations into genealogy and what skills millennials can bring to the table. Speaker Bio:Adina Newman, EdD, is the owner of My Family Genie, where she…
VGA Bday Presentation: “Genealogy Serendipity (Or Was Mom Guiding Me?)” by Deborah Holman
VGA Bday Presentation: “In Which I am Surprised that the Person My Town is Named After Was a Big Deal” by Sara E. Campbell
How Confident are You in Your Proof Statement by David Grawrock, CG

Webinar: How Confident are You in Your Proof Statement Speaker: David Grawrock, CGWhen: Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Elizabeth Shown Mills in Evidence Explained section 1.6 talks about providing qualifiers to indicate how confident the author is in their proof statements and arguments. Many genealogists do not understand the need…
VGA’s New Logo!
A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy by Adina Newman

Webinar: A Millennial’s Guide to Genealogy Speaker: Adina NewmanWhen: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Hear a millennial genealogist’s perspective on how to recruit the younger generations into genealogy and what skills millennials can bring to the table. Speaker Bio:Adina Newman, EdD, is the owner of My Family Genie, where she…
VGA Bday Presentation: “Genealogy Serendipity (Or Was Mom Guiding Me?)” by Deborah Holman
VGA Bday Presentation: “In Which I am Surprised that the Person My Town is Named After Was a Big Deal” by Sara E. Campbell
How Confident are You in Your Proof Statement by David Grawrock, CG

Webinar: How Confident are You in Your Proof Statement Speaker: David Grawrock, CGWhen: Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Elizabeth Shown Mills in Evidence Explained section 1.6 talks about providing qualifiers to indicate how confident the author is in their proof statements and arguments. Many genealogists do not understand the need…