A sincere thank you goes out to the genealogy speakers that volunteered their time and expertise to make the VGA Birthday Party possible! They are all amazing people and wonderful speakers!
Please visit their websites and consider them as speakers for genealogical societies that you are involved with:
- Melissa Barker: http://agenealogistinthearchives.blogspot.com/
- Eleanor Brinsko: http://www.carlongenealogy.com/
- Lynn Broderick: https://thesingleleaf.com
- Sara E. Campbell: http://ervingspast.blogspot.com
- Connie Davis: http://conniedavis.ca
- Debra Dudek: https://www.debradudek.com/
- Shauna Hicks: http://www.shaunahicks.com.au
- Deborah Holman: https://whoweareandhowwegotthisway.com/
- Marie Palmer: http://familyhistoryjourneys.com
- M Diane Rogers: https://canadagenealogy.blogspot.com/
- Jeanette Sheliga: https://jeanettesgenealogy.com/
- Marian Burk Wood: https://climbingmyfamilytree.blogspot.com
The recordings of the presentations have been uploaded to the VGA YouTube Channel.