January 6th Webinar: “A Nose for News: Sniffing Out Stories in Newspapers” with Mary Kircher Roddy

Details for the January 6th webinar with Mary Kircher Roddy

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The Webinar

A Nose for News: Sniffing Out Stories in Newspapers

  • Date: Sunday, January 6, 2019
  • Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Newspaper research can help further genealogy research. A name in a newspaper can pinpoint a location for an ancestor at a particular time. Mentions in the legal notices, property records or shipping notices columns provide clues for additional research. Learn 20+ tips for getting the most out of newspaper research.

The Presenter

Mary Roddy, a CPA, earned a certificate in Genealogy from University of Washington and completed ProGen Study course. She regularly presents for Legacy FamilyTreeWebinars and lectures around the US. She is a writer for Internet GenealogyYourGenealogyTodayNGS MagazineFGS Forum and she blogs at www.mkrgenealogy.com.


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All webinar recordings and handouts are available to VGA members for up to 6 months from broadcast.

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