The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
February 19th’s Hispanic SIG Discussion: Search and Documentation Strategies for Hispanic Names
September 7th Webinar: “How Dungeons & Dragons Has Made Me a Better Family Historian” with Randy Whited

Both genealogy and role-playing games are, at their core, centered on storytelling. And the more effort put into the work, the more one gets out of it. In both cases it is useful to put one’s self into the mindset of the individual: what was their occupation, their background, their faith and motivations, their possessions, their friends and allies? In short, who were they in relation to the world around them?
January 29th Webinar: “Family Gatherings: Dragging Genealogy Information Out of Your Family” with Melissa Barker

Family gatherings, we all have them. Whether they are annual events like family reunions or one time occasions like birthday parties, Father’s Day, weddings or funerals, this is a time when our family members come together. This presentation will give you tips and tricks to get your family members talking about family history, even if they don’t want to!
January 6th Webinar: “A Nose for News: Sniffing Out Stories in Newspapers” with Mary Kircher Roddy

Newspaper research can help further genealogy research. A name in a newspaper can pinpoint a location for an ancestor at a particular time. Mentions in the legal notices, property records or shipping notices columns provide clues for additional research. Learn 20+ tips for getting the most out of newspaper research.