The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
January 2020 Presentations

To get the new year off to a great genealogical start, we’ve got three excellent presentations for our members this month, beginning on Friday, January 3. Mark your calendars for these! If you attended the Virtual Conference, the recorded presentations are still available. Here’s the line-up for our live programs…
December 2019 Presentations

There are two great presentations for our members this month, starting right away, on Sunday December 1. Mark your calendars for these! If you attended the Virtual Conference, the recorded presentations are available now with closed captioning. Here’s the line-up for our live programs for December: Sunday, December 1 1…
November 2019 Presentations

There are two great presentations for our members this month. Mark your calendars for these! If you attended the Virtual Conference, you may also watch on the recorded presentations, with closed captioning. Here’s the line-up for our live programs for November: Tuesday, November 12 8 pm Eastern Diahan Southard presents“Your…
October 2019 Presentations

There are four great presentations for our members this month. Mark your calendars for these! Here’s the line-up: Sunday, October 6 1 pm Eastern Tamara Hallo, MLIS presents“Get Organized: Microsoft OneNote for Genealogists” Tuesday, October 8 8 pm Eastern Thomas MacEntee presents“Genealogy Pit Stop: Research in 15 Minute Increments” Saturday,…
September 2019 Presentations

There are four great presentations for our members this month. Mark your calendars for these! Here’s the line-up: Saturday, September 7 11 am Eastern Randy Whited presents“How Dungeons & Dragons Has Made Me a Better Family Historian” ___________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, September 10 8 pm Eastern Diane L. Richard presents “Crowdsourced Projects…