The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
August 2021 Webinars
Tuesday, August 2nd, 8pm Eastern, Annette Burke Lyttle will present “What is Social History and Why Should a Genealogist Care?” Saturday, August 21st, 11am Eastern, Marc Jarzebowski will present “More Than Google Maps: Online Contemporary and Historical Maps.” Be sure to login to register for these members-only presentations! If you’re…
July 2021 Webinars
Tuesday, July 6th, 8pm Eastern, Leslie Carney will present “Creating a Locality Guide.” Saturday, July 17th, 11am Eastern, Lianne Kruger will present “From Grandmother to First European Landowner of Canada.” Be sure to login to register for these members-only presentations! If you’re not a VGA Member, click HERE to learn…
June 2021 Webinars
Tuesday, June 1st, 8pm Eastern, Tara Shymanski will present “The Art of Slow Genealogy.” Saturday, June 19th, 11am Eastern, David Ryan will present “Hidden Treasures: Discovering Local Sources in Your Irish Research.” Be sure to login to register for these members-only presentations! If you’re not a VGA Member, click HERE…
April 2020 Presentations

We’ve got three great presentations scheduled for April, beginning on Saturday, April 4. If you can’t attend the live presentation, the recordings are available to members for six months following. Here’s the April lineup: Saturday, April 4 at 11 am Eastern Cheri Hudson Passey presents“Evidence: Direct, Indirect, or Negative? It…
March 2020 Presentations

Four presentations are scheduled for March, beginning on Tuesday, March 10. If you can’t attend the live presentation, the recordings are available to members for six months following. Here’s the March lineup: Tuesday, March 10 8 pm Eastern Colleen Robledo Greene presents“Streamlining Your Toolbox: Cloud Applications, Strategies, & Workflows”This presentation…