VGA Conference 2021 – Natalie Bodle

One of our 2021 VGA Conference Speakers is Natalie Bodle. She is presenting on: Townlands, Parishes, & Baronies – Ireland’s Land Administrative Divisions. Click below to watch a short video to get to know Natalie and a description of her conference presentation:

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VGA Conference 2021 – Shauna Hicks

One of our 2021 VGA Conference Speakers is Shauna Hicks. She is presenting on: The Australian Gold Rushes: A Magnet for Miners Around the World. Click below to watch a short video to get to know Shauna and a description of her conference presentation:

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VGA Conference 2021 – Paul Nixon

One of our 2021 VGA Conference Speakers is Paul Nixon. He is presenting on: The Real Tommy Atkins (British Soldiers). Click below to watch a short video to get to know Paul and a description of his conference presentation:

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VGA Conference 2021 – Lara Diamond

One of our 2021 VGA Conference Speakers is Lara Diamond. She is presenting on: Finding Family in Eastern Europe: Getting Creative When Records are Scarce. Click below to watch a short video to get to know Lara and a description of her conference presentation:

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Meet the New VGA President: Jeanette Sheliga

Hello! My name is Jeanette Sheliga and I am going to become VGA’s new President starting January 2022! My interest in genealogy started early in my life as I remember when I was about ten years old that I would draw family trees at my grandparents. I even remember making…

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