The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
First Steps in Scottish Genealogy by Robert Cameron Weir

Webinar: First Steps in Scottish GenealogySpeaker: Robert Cameron WeirWhen: Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:From the United States and Canada, to Jamaica, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, to Poland, Russia, and the Baltics, Scottish immigrants can be found around the world. In this introductory program on Scottish genealogy, we will…
Recorded Webinar Expiring on 21 December 2022
Newspapers in Mexico by Lisa Medina

Webinar: Newspapers in MexicoSpeaker: Lisa MedinaWhen: Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:Did you know there are thousands of Mexican newspapers available in an online searchable database dating back to the 18th century? Learn tips and tricks for adding the Hemeroteca Nacional Digital de Mexico (HDNM) to your list of sources…
The Kitchen is the Heart of a Family by Tamara Hallo

Webinar: The Kitchen is the Heart of a FamilySpeaker: Tamara HalloWhen: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:From daily dinners to holiday gatherings, the kitchen is where family comes together. Learn how to make the most of this time together to discover more about your family and its traditions. Then, learn…
VGA 2022 Conference: “Reconstructing the Lives of Our Farming Ancestors” by Annette Burke Lyttle

This presentation will be pre-recorded. Click here to view the full conference schedule: https://virtualgenealogy.org/annual-conference/. Program Description:It’s a rare family tree that doesn’t contain at least some farm families, since until the latter part of the 19th century farmers made up a majority of workers in America. It may be hard for us…