The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
VGA 2023 Speaker: Melissa Barker
Recorded Webinar Expiring on 19 January 2023
Recorded Webinar Expiring on 9 January 2023
VGA Book Club – January 2023
Preserving Your Ancestor’s Textiles and Handmade Treasures by Melissa Barker

Webinar: Preserving Your Ancestor’s Textiles and Handmade TreasuresSpeaker: Melissa BarkerWhen: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Learn from an archivist the best practices to preserving your ancestor’s textiles and handmade items. Everything from Grandma’s quilt, that old Christening gown, your dad’s letterman jacket and military uniforms. These textiles and handmade items…