Webinar: “Navigating FultonHistory.com Workshop”
Speaker: Jeanette Sheliga
When: Monday, February 17, 2025 at 12:00pm Eastern
Program Description:
FultonHistory.com, or Old Fulton NY Postcards, is a free, historic newspaper website that contains archives of over 50 million pages of microfilmed newspaper images (mostly New York State newspapers, along with collections from other states and Canada). This 2-hour workshop will allow for hands-on participation by participants to practice applying learned search techniques on the website.
Speaker Bio:
Jeanette Sheliga of Jeanette’s Genealogy lives in Lockport, NY and has been researching her family tree since 2002 and lecturing since 2011. She has had the privilege to speak for societies and libraries locally and virtually all over the world. Jeanette is the President of the Virtual Genealogical Association (VGA); she holds positions in local, state, and national societies; she has completed the study groups of ProGen 49 and Certification Practicum 02; and has attended many genealogy institutes.
VGA Members can register for this webinar via the Zoom link in the Upcoming Webinars area of the Members Center. Please contact info@virtualgenealogy.org if you have any questions.