The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
VGA Bday Presentation: “Finding Female Ancestors through Cookbooks” by Eleanor O. Brinsko

Thank you so much to Eleanor O. Brinsko for sharing this presentation with VGA to help celebrate VGA’s 5th birthday. Kind people like her helped to make the birthday party possible! Please visit Eleanor’s Website: https://carlongenealogy.com/ Program Description: We will be looking at community cookbooks and recipes as a resource…
VGA Bday Presentation: “Top Tips for Family History and Cousin Bait on Find a Grave” by Marian Burk Wood

Thank you so much to Marian Burk Wood for sharing this presentation with VGA to help celebrate VGA’s 5th birthday. Kind people like her helped to make the birthday party possible! Please visit Marian’s blog: https://climbingmyfamilytree.blogspot.com/ Program Description: Pick up quick tips for using the free Find a Grave site…
VGA Bday Presentation: “A Historic View of Your Historic House: the WPA House Survey” by Bryna O’Sullivan

Thank you so much to Bryna O’Sullivan for sharing this presentation with VGA to help celebrate VGA’s 5th birthday. Kind people like her helped to make the birthday party possible! Please visit Bryna’s website: https://charteroakgenealogy.com/ Program Description: House history isn’t just a contemporary topic: the Works Progress Administration conducted a…
VGA Bday Presentation: “Birth, Marriages, and Deaths in Newspapers” by Heather Haunert

Thank you so much to Storied and Heather Haunert for sharing this presentation with VGA to help celebrate VGA’s 5th birthday. Kind people like her and her company helped to make the birthday party possible! Please visit Storied.com! Please consider joining VGA! Learn more at: https://virtualgenealogy.org/membership-join/
VGA Bday Presentation: “Tagging Heirlooms” by Kim Richardson

Thank you so much to Kim Richardson for sharing this presentation with VGA to help celebrate VGA’s 5th birthday. Kind people like her helped to make the birthday party possible! Please visit Kim’s website: https://www.southernheritagegenealogy.com/ Please visit Brick Wall Buster Cards: https://www.brickwallbustercards.com/ Please consider joining VGA! Learn more at: https://virtualgenealogy.org/membership-join/