The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
Joy, Loss and Perseverance: The Story of an American Woman by Lisa Medina

Webinar: Joy, Loss and Perseverance: The Story of an American WomanSpeaker: Lisa MedinaWhen: Saturday, July 8, 2023 at 11:00am Eastern Speaker Bio:Lisa Medina is an enthusiastic and experienced lecturer who brings together the stories and methodologies of genealogy with the effective strategies of a teacher in her presentations. She has experience researching in…
VGA Named as one of Family Tree Magazine 101 Best Websites 2023!

Press Release from Family Tree Magazine: Family Tree Magazine Announces New Edition of the 101 Best Websites for Genealogy,Updated and Revised for 2023 For immediate release: June 1, 2023:It is our pleasure to release our new 101 Best Websites for Genealogy list, updated and revisedfor 2023. With more and more…
Chasing Down Your Ancestors’ Locations by Pam Vestal

Webinar: Chasing Down Your Ancestors’ Locations Speaker: Pam VestalWhen: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:Where did your ancestors come from? Where did they disappear to? Although finding locations can be the key to following our ancestors back in time, we often slam up against brick walls. In this talk we’ll…
From the Ashes: The 1922 Irish Public Record Office Fire by David Ryan

Webinar: From the Ashes: The 1922 Irish Public Record Office FireSpeaker: David RyanWhen: Saturday, June 10, 2023 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:The destruction of the Public Records Office in June 1922 at the outset of the Irish Civil War has cast a long shadow over Irish genealogical research. Anyone who has sought their…
Leveraging Trello for Energized Teams and Organized Work by Lori Lee Sauber

Webinar: Leveraging Trello for Energized Teams and Organized Work Speaker: Lori Lee SauberWhen: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 8:00pm Eastern Program Description:What could you achieve if you or your team never missed a step? Discover how using Trello, a FREE workflow visualization tool, enables you to optimize the flow of information and get…