The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
VGA Conference “Taking a Peek through the “Window Tax”” by James M. Beidler

Webinar: Taking a Peek through the “Window Tax”Speaker: James M. BeidlerWhen: Pre-Recorded to be released on November 3rd, 2023 Program Description:Pennsylvania has the most returns from the 1798 U.S. Direct Tax, although fragments remain of other states’ returns from this wonderfully detailed but much hated levy. Presentation will focus on Pennsylvania but include…
VGA Conference “Tracing the Enslaved and Formerly Enslaved in Newspapers” by Ari Wilkins

Webinar: Tracing the Enslaved and Formerly Enslaved in NewspapersSpeaker: Ari WilkinsWhen: Pre-Recorded to be released on November 3rd, 2023 Program Description:This lecture will discuss how to search for the enslaved and formerly enslaved in newspapers; information that can be gleaned from advertisements; how newspapers can lead you to other sources; and different types…
VGA Featured on Family Tree Magazine Podcast!
$5 Off VGA Membership Coupon – Expires 10/31/23!

The Annual Membership for VGA is now $25 USD (formerly $20 USD). Included with the membership is: If new members would like to join or if current members would like to renew at the $20 USD price, use this coupon code: VGA5OFF Go to: https://virtualgenealogy.org/register/annual/ At the bottom underneath the…