VGA’s 7th Birthday – Call for Volunteer Proposals

Virtual Genealogical Association’s (VGA) 7th Birthday Party is on Sunday, April 27th, 2025! The tentative time frame of the live event is 1:00pm – 4:00pm Eastern.

VGA is looking for short presentations (between 5 – 30 minutes in length) that are either pre-recorded or presented live on the day of the party. The desired energy of the Birthday Party is FUN while learning from presenters, playing games, and giving away door prizes! To see examples from last year’s birthday party, please go to:

The Birthday Party genealogy presentations are going to be recorded and open to the public on VGA’s YouTube channel. The games, door prizes, etc. will not be recorded.

The deadline for Submissions is Sunday, March 23, 2025. Volunteer speakers can submit proposals via Google Form:

Speakers will be gifted a free Annual Membership to VGA as a thank you for volunteering their time and expertise. If the speaker is already a VGA member, an additional year will be added to their current membership.

Looking forward to it!

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