Announcing the New VGA Book Club with Sunny Morton

VGA is excited to announce a new member-benefit of a Virtual Book Club with hostess, Sunny Morton!

Sunny is a well-known genealogy author and lecturer. She is a longtime Contributing Editor at Family Tree Magazine; Contributing Editor and Content Manager for; and a frequent contributor to FamilySearch’s blog. Learn more about Sunny at her website:

The VGA Book Club is going to meet at 8:00pm Eastern on the 4th Tuesday of every other month starting in January 2022.

The inaugural VGA Book Club meeting will be on January 25th, 2022 at 8:00pm Eastern! Two books that will be discussed at will be: Planning a Future for Your Family’s Past (second edition) by Marian Burk Wood and Mercer Girls by Libbie Hawker.

VGA President (starting January 2022) Jeanette Sheliga (holding Passionate Pilgrims) and Sunny Morton goofing around at The Genealogy Center in Ft. Wayne, IN (July 2021).


  1. When we will be able to register for the VGA Book Club?

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