The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
Announcing the New VGA Hangouts Group with Jeanette Sheliga
Announcing the New VGA Gives Back Group with Linda Debe
Genealogy Gifts and Games for the Whole Family by Janice Nickerson
December 2021 Webinars
Tuesday, December 7th, 8pm Eastern, Janice Nickerson will present “Genealogy Gifts and Games for the Whole Family.” Saturday, December 18th, 11am Eastern, Peggy Lauritzen will present “Following the Money: Using Tax Records in Our Research.” Be sure to login to register for these members-only presentations! If you’re not a VGA…
Announcing the New VGA Book Club with Sunny Morton

VGA is excited to announce a new member-benefit of a Virtual Book Club with hostess, Sunny Morton! Sunny is a well-known genealogy author and lecturer. She is a longtime Contributing Editor at Family Tree Magazine; Contributing Editor and Content Manager for YourDNAGuide.com; and a frequent contributor to FamilySearch’s blog. Learn more…