The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
VGA 2022 Conference: “On the Backs of Babes: Researching British Home Children” by Christine Woodcock

This presentation will be on Friday, November 11th at 7:00pm Eastern. Click here to view the full conference schedule: https://virtualgenealogy.org/annual-conference/. Program Description:Between 1869 and the Great Depression, over 100,000 children were sent to Canada from Great Britain. The idea behind this scheme was to alleviate the number of poor and destitute children…
VGA 2022 Conference: “The Importance of Collateral Research” by Sheila Benedict

This presentation will be on Saturday, November 12th at 10:15am Eastern. Click here to view the full conference schedule: https://virtualgenealogy.org/annual-conference/. Program Description:If your direct ancestral line stops and you think you cannot go on, collateral research, often called clustering, may resolve the problem. Collateral relatives share the same ancestry but not always…
VGA 2022 Conference: “Tracking Your Ancestors through Time: Utilizing Timelines to Enhance Your Research” by Kate Townsend

This presentation will be pre-recorded. Click here to view the full conference schedule: https://virtualgenealogy.org/annual-conference/. Program Description:Do you need a new research tool in your wheelhouse to help with a research question and/or give you a better understanding of your ancestor(s)? Learn how to use timelines to enhance your research skills so that…
VGA 2022 Conference: “Scholarly and Academic Resources are a Genealogists Best Friend” by Diane L. Richard

This presentation will be on Saturday, November 12th at 10:15am Eastern. Click here to view the full conference schedule: https://virtualgenealogy.org/annual-conference/. Program Description:Don’t ignore academic resources in your research. Some great contextual information and abstracted/transcribed data can be found with breadcrumbs (aka bibliography) to further guide your research. Jstor, Libguides, OATD, and more…
VGA 2022 Conference: “Ethnicity and Identity” by Penny Walters

This presentation will be on Saturday, November 12th at 11:30am Eastern. Click here to view the full conference schedule: https://virtualgenealogy.org/annual-conference/. Program Description:‘Where are you from?’ is sometimes a difficult question to answer. With the advent of DNA testing, we can find out our ethnicity, and look at the implications of where our…