The Virtual Genealogical Association is a global
organization serving family history enthusiasts of all levels.
Disconnected Connections: a Case Study of Family Lore and an MPE by Debbie Wilson Smyth

Webinar: Disconnected Connections: a Case Study of Family Lore and an MPE Speaker: Debbie Wilson SmythWhen: Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 11:00am Eastern Program Description:In genealogical circles, the acronym MPE stands for a misattributed parentage event. A misattributed parentage event encompasses those situations where parentage has been attributed to the wrong person. For…
VGA Bday Presentation: “A New Strategy for Brick Walls” by Kim Richardson

Thank you so much to Kim Richardson for sharing this presentation with VGA to help celebrate VGA’s 5th birthday. Kind people like her helped to make the birthday party possible! Please visit Kim’s website: https://www.southernheritagegenealogy.com/ Please visit Brick Wall Buster Cards: https://www.brickwallbustercards.com/ Please consider joining VGA! Learn more at: https://virtualgenealogy.org/membership-join/
VGA Bday Presentation: “A Tale of Two Brothers: The Patriot and the Outlaw” by Janice M. Sellers

Thank you so much to Janice Sellers for sharing this presentation with VGA to help celebrate VGA’s 5th birthday. Kind people like her helped to make the birthday party possible! Please visit Janice’s Website: http://www.ancestraldiscoveries.com/ Program Description: One brother volunteered and served as a drummer for the Colonies. The other…
VGA Bday Presentation: “Where Did They Go?” by Christine Cohen

Thank you so much to Christine Cohen for sharing this presentation with VGA to help celebrate VGA’s 5th birthday. Kind people like her helped to make the birthday party possible! Please visit Christine’s Website: https://christinecohengenealogy.com/ Program Description: My Cornish Great Grandfather appeared to be an orphan. His parents and siblings…
VGA Bday Presentation: “Getting Into the Habit: Researching Nuns in your Family Tree” by David Ryan

Thank you so much to David Ryan for sharing this presentation with VGA to help celebrate VGA’s 5th birthday. Kind people like him helped to make the birthday party possible! Please visit David’s APG Profile: https://www.apgen.org/users/david-ryan Program Description: Those of us who grew up in Roman Catholic families or were…