VGA Conference “Cross-Referencing Letters & Postcards with Documents & Photos” by Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD

Webinar: Cross-Referencing Letters & Postcards with Documents & Photos
Speaker: Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD
When: November 5th, 2023 at 3:30pm Eastern

Program Description:
Many family historians, especially those considered “the person in the family to get it all,” find that family correspondence can be used to fill in the gaps in documents, photos, and other resources. How these are cross-referenced, including citing the ephemera, along with other evidence, is our focus. Case studies of a multitude of types of “stuff” from the family “grab bag” will be examined for helpful (or not so helpful) evidence of more lucrative (and, hopefully, dependable) resources.

Speaker Bio:
After moving from the Chicago suburbs to Southern California in 1973, I obtained my bachelors and masters degrees in Speech Communication and worked as a professor in the field for 13 years before leaving academia to pursue my passions: folklore and family history. I received my doctorate in folklore in 2008. I have been involved in family research for over 40 years and have traced my origins to Germany, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Holland, England, and France. I am the former Director of the Corona, California Family History Center, in the Corona Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and am still involved with working and teaching classes there. I was a volunteer at the National Archives, Pacific Region (Riverside County) until demands on my time and health issues intervened.

To read more of Jean’s bio, click HERE.

VGA Members can register for this webinar via the Zoom link in the Upcoming Webinars area of the Members Center. Please contact if you have any questions.

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