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Program Description:
The U.S. Social Security system produced lesser-known record types key to tracing families during the late 1800s/early 1900s (during a period of intense immigration, before widespread birth records and during the 1890 census gap). See genealogical discoveries made using original Social Security applications, multiple Social Security indexes, and delayed birth records, which were often created for Social Security purposes.
Speaker Bio:
Sunny Jane Morton is a longtime Contributing Editor at Family Tree Magazine; Content Manager for; frequent contributor to FamilySearch’s blog; and Editor of Ohio Genealogy News (for the latter, she won the prestigious National Genealogical Society Newsletter Competition in 2017). Her books include How to Find Your Family History in U.S. Church Records, with Harold Henderson, CG, and Story of My Life: A Workbook for Preserving Your Legacy, now in its 2nd edition.