On Sunday, January 2nd, 2022 a group of VGA members got together to hangout while working on Record Hints on our Family Trees. We learned that making your total hint count go down is not as easy as it looks!
It seems that the more information that you add to your tree, the more the system can search for additional records to share as a hint. For example, you add a new person to your tree and then five or so new hints may be added as possible records for your new person.
If you work on hints on Ancestry.com, you can look up how many total hints you have for your tree. For fun, we looked at that count number before and after we spent an hour working on the hints.
Below is a picture of some of us showing (after an hour of hint working) if our total hint count went up (thumbs up) or down (thumbs down):

As you can see, of the twelve people pictured, eight of them had their total number of record hints go up where as four had their total number of record hints go down.
I, Jeanette Sheliga, happened to be one of the four where my total record count went down. After an hour of working on my hints, my number of hints went from 11731 to 11716. LOL! Not very significant, but I still found some cool yearbook pictures and directory information.
Our next VGA Hangout is going to be on Sunday, January 30th, 2022 at 6:00pm Eastern where we are going to work on our DNA results. This can be done with any DNA testing company or tool that is of interest. Some ideas could be to contact matches, connect DNA matches to people in your tree, work on the What Are The Odds tool, add results to the Shared cM Project, and more!
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