Announcing the New VGA Gives Back Group with Linda Debe

What is VGA Gives Back?

Members of VGA will work as a group, to index, transcribe, and tag records at various repositories to help all genealogists and family historians find records of interest. This group will also be providing a service to the repositories that we all know and love.  

VGA encourages members to work on each month’s project – not only during our group meetings, but also on their own – and then share accomplishments and any struggles at the next group meeting.

If a member has any questions or trouble working on our project during the month, they can reach out to Linda Debe ( and/or other VGA members in our Members-Only Facebook Group.

When will the group first meet?

VGA Gives Back’s initial meeting is scheduled for January 15th, 2022 at 5pm Eastern. VGA members can register to participate in this group in the Upcoming Webinars area of the website. At this meeting, the following items will be discussed/accomplished:

  • Quick introductions
  • Determine the best times and dates to meet. 
  • Get everyone registered for the accounts we will be using throughout the year
    • Library of Congress (US)
    • National Archives (US)
    • From the Page
    • Family Search
    • Billion Graves
    • Find a Grave
  • Plan out the next few months projects
  • Discuss February’s project (February 19th at 5pm Eastern)

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